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The best places to climb in Tenerife. Can you handle these climbing locations in Tenerife?

Within the tourism industry, Tenerife offers a wide range of diverse experiences. It has a large variety of activities to do, among them, climbing. This island is the ideal location to enjoy this activity, whether you are a beginner or an experienced climber. Here are the best locations for climbing in Tenerife.

One of the most popular areas for this activity is Arico, in the south of the island. This is mainly because it has more than 500 routes with a maximum height of 35 meters. It also stands out for having spectacular weather conditions throughout the year, which is very favorable to do this sport. This place has a large number of sectors for climbing with all levels of difficulty, among them, the “barranco de Ortiz”, perfect for bouldering, and the “barranco de El Río”, for those seeking greater difficulty.

Anaga is another major climbing destination. It is located in the northeast of the island and has the longest classic climbing routes in Tenerife. In addition, the maximum height reached in some of its routes is 250 meters. Among its great diversity of landscapes and spaces we find several rocks in which to run more than a hundred climbing routes, ranging from intermediate levels to levels for the most experienced in this field. One of the best known places in Anaga for climbing is the “Roque Negro”, with equipped slopes and good quality rock. On the other hand, the most experienced climbers will enjoy two other rocks that have routes of considerable difficulty, the “Roque de Las Ánimas” and the “Roque de En Medio”


The “Risco de Guaria” is considered one of the most incredible areas on the island for climbing. It is located in the Natural Monument of Tejina Mountain, in Guía de Isora, situated in the Southwest of Tenerife. This place stands out for hosting the longest sport routes of the island, with approximately 90 routes. It is important to emphasize that, as it is a protected natural landscape, it has a limit of around 70 people per day and requires an annual permit that is granted by the public administration of the island, the Cabildo.


Finally, in the Teide National Park we do not find the best walls for climbing, but you can enjoy an unparalleled experience at more than 2,000 meters of altitude contemplating the highest peak in Spain. It has areas for all types of climbing, of which the most popular is the “Cañada del Capricho”, adapted for sport and bouldering. Some other more common routes are the Cathedral route and the “Roques García” route. The maximum height found in this place is 120 meters. 

In short, Tenerife is the ideal place to start experimenting with climbing, it has a great variety of landscapes and routes. In addition, it has hundreds of routes with all kinds of difficulties. Our company offers all kinds of climbing services to get you started in this world. Are you going to miss the opportunity to live this fun and awesome experience?

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